
William Scott is my best friend.I haven't really known
him that long,but I think we know each other pretty well.
He isn't the best friend anyone could have, but he'd rate, an
eight, and a half on a scale of ten.I don't, see any forever
bonding and personal reiationsiop between us,but I think
we'll still know each other, after ten or so years,.but I'm
not sure.We couldn't stay together by ourselves.I mean we':d
need an inbetween man to keep us away from each other.I don'ct
really think we're basom buddies,but you can tell he does.
I don't know why I caal him a best friend,bait. I do.I guess
it's because if I didn't call him a best friend,I wouldn't
call, anyone that.A guy that ased to go to my school,Tim Wes-
ton,used to be my best friend,until he went to another school.
I guess that's one thing that could break up a friendship.1
don't think anyone really hated him,hut they jsaid they did
just to be original.It seemed like a few people hated every-
one.Whenever they saw someone,they'd start blabbing about
what's wrong with him.I.guess it has to do with adolescence,
but. even, that sounds too- extreme.But anyway,Tim Weston dis-
appeared during and after high school,,and I never saw him a-
gain.That's too bad too-I'd like to have known him better in
later life.
My only'friend-girl,* and not a girlfriend Is Paula Dixon. She's really the only person who. listens to me whan I talk
to her.She's really - together.Most people I know are really
all aver the place,but they're all right. I hang around a
fairly Large group of people considering the size of my
cla-ss.There' s. only twenty-five people in my class,and I min-
gle with eight of them.Actually, seven;.! 'm the eighth.William
Scott is one of them.Y'no,my best friend.He isn't a lot of
fun or anything.Actually,he's quite a bore.I don't see why
Linda Schotte stays with him the way she does.She acts like
he's.the. greatest, person inthe world and like he's growing
up to be an imm,ortal success.He gets great grades,but he's
- Author
- mark thomas